A guide to sources for the study of Ukrainian Canadians / Guide des sources d'archives sur les Canadiens Ukrainiens

- Author:
- Momryk, Myron
- Year published:
- 1984
- Publisher:
- Minister of Supply and Services Canada / Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada
- Pages:
- 42 + vi (en) + 42 + vi (fr)
- Language:
- АнглійськаФранцузька
- Description:
- Series / Série: National Ethnic Archives (Canada) / Archives ethniques nationales (Canada);To the memory of Vladimir Julian Kaye (Kysilewsky), Ph.D., C.M. (1896-1976);Bilingual edition (OCR-1 - en; OCR-2 - fr);
- 0-662-52803-4
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